Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I Forgot To Tell You

that I knit. I'm almost finished a pair of socks for autumn, of browns, golds, and blacks. By "finished" I mean I have almost completed knitting another pair of hand knitted socks for myself and this colorway will be perfect for Halloween.

So I waded through my stash. Yes, waded is the correct verb. I think it would be ankle deep if I covered the floor of my house. And I found THIS !!! On the left, of course. The green is a perfect match for the jacket, it is lightweight wool, and shows great promise to become mittens and a matching watch cap. Perfect! The picture shows the pattern and photo it arrived with, bird of paradise. It should provide a nice bright accent on a rainy day.

(I have developed the habit of having gloves or mittens to go with my coats. While this sounds like another vanity, it is actually a very practical solution to a gnarly problem. Since the gloves/mittens live in the pocket, I always have them and don't lose one when changing from coat to coat.)

Ok, do you see why I would like clothes that fit and look good on me? I know I should get fit for my health. And I would like to, really I would. But the vanity thing is powerful. At least I thought about going to the gym after I awakened. Progress.

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