Saturday, December 29, 2007

Just Do It

I've been reading Crabby McSlacker (an name I can surely relate to) over at Cranky Fitness (yeah, yeah, instead of moving my butt I've been reading about moving my butt. I'm sure if I do it long enough I'll just waste away.) and honestly she is one of the few people who actually speaks to me. Unfortunately she is in much better shape than I am.

In my heart of hearts I love that she tells herself and, vicariously, me to "get over yourself and do it anyway." I never believe that crap about how it isn't that bad. It damn well is. That doesn't mean I don't have to do it. Just like I have to brush my teeth and go to work. Life isn't all fun and games, right? So I'm putting down my keyboard and doing some damn thing now.

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