Friday, December 28, 2007

Muddling Through

I avoided crap food so far today, avoided an eclair that was calling my name. I did eat up some low fat chocolate pudding in the fridge and instantly fell asleep in a chair. It might be the food or it might be relaxation or it might just be exhaustion. (I wonder why I minimize the notion of exhaustion by adding the "just.")

That is a stupid instinct, the one that treats you like a parent. "I didn't do too badly, did I?" It is a stupid impulse that I can eliminate.

Actually I spent some time today struggling to remember that the impulse to eat is often misplaced thirst. I'm not sure why I have so much trouble telling hunger and thirst apart. It was noon but breakfast was late and included protein and whole wheat seven grain bread. I stopped at the bagel shop but instead of having lunch took a moment and got myself a fizzy fruit juice drink. No it wasn't water but it also didn't have any sugar added. Drinking that over the course of the next twenty minutes totally took care of what I thought was hunger. Now to try to remember that when the moment is right.

Oh, and I loved the drink. I'll hunt that down again.

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